Thursday, March 29, 2012

Weekly Progress #1

I've decided that each week on Thursday, I'm going to update with my progress with how far I ran and my distance.

This week has been a week of ups and downs.

The beginning of the week I was on vacation, so I didn't get to run.

Here are my results from yesterday.

My first run:

Thirteen minutes and nine seconds a mile isn't really that bad at this stage in the game - especially at my 'level' which is about as new to the sport as you can possibly be - but I am just not happy with that.  So, I took a second run a few hours later.

A mile in eleven minutes and fifty-two seconds!  Woo hoo!  Let me just tell you, I felt like a million bucks after that!  My goal is do run a mile in less than nine minutes, but this was a good start.  I was winded and I started getting cramps in my side, but I ran the whole thing.  I worked through the pain, and it was awesome when I stepped back inside my house.  I was sweating like a horse - a horse that just won the Kentucky Derby!

However, my run this morning, put a damper on my celebration.

Ugh!  Back up to over thirteen minutes a mile?!  Seriously?!  I was so upset.  My calves were sore from yesterday's less-than twelve minute mile.  It was very windy and cold out today.  Could these have been factors in my slower time?  Possibly ... probably.  But it doesn't stop me from being upset with myself when I did so well yesterday.
I was thinking about going for another run later today, but as time progresses my calves are getting sorer and sorer, so I think it's probably best to stay off of them, at least or the remainder of the day.  

I have a question for avid runners out there.  Should I be focused more on my speed right now, or distance?  My goal is to run a marathon, but I feel like if I keep running thirteen to fourteen minute miles, this is going to get old real fast.  Any suggestions on how to get my speed up to par without hurting myself too badly?

All in all, I'm proud of myself that I've been running every day that I can and I feel so energized when I'm finished.  It's such a great feeling.  Even though every mile isn't as great as I want it to be, its always one mile, one minute, one second closer to achieving my goals!

Happy running!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I Run, You Run

Welcome to the I Run, You Run blog!

My name is Julie, and I've decided I want to run a marathon! The thing is, I've never run before. Or, let me rephrase that. I've run from imaginary zombies, from my sisters when they chase me for wearing their clothes or using their makeup, and even had the occasional sprint with my fiance to which he left me in the dust.

So, here I am, about to start running for real and I'm going to chronicle all of my ups and downs, triumphs and tribulations. If there are any avid runners out there who have some advice for a nOOb like me, I would LOVE some!

So, come along with me on my journey to 26.2 miles! It's sure to be interesting!